28605 E. 76th Street S, Broken Arrow, OK 74014  |  [p] +1-848-444-2781
EIN (US Entity) : 26-2751787  |  SAM Complete  |  DUNS: 827042214  |  CAGE: 556W5  |  UNGM: 666217

28605 E. 76th Street S, Broken Arrow, OK 74014
[p] +1-848-444-2781
EIN (US Entity) : 26-2751787  |  SAM Complete
DUNS: 827042214  |  CAGE: 556W5
UNGM: 666217

Contact 1stCHOICE Financial Group

Kathrina “Kit” Nease – CEO/President — PMP/SPC/CAA   [e] knease@1stchoicefg.com.   [p] +1 (848) 444-2781

Dean Stevenson – VP Strategic & Creative Integrations   [e] dstevenson@1stchoicefg.com   [p] +1 (586) 879-5504

Rebecca Kephart – VP Cultural & Social Engagement   [e]    rkephart@1stchoicefg.com   [p] +1 (405) 850-3797

For More Information

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Please fill in the form and submit your request to 1STCHOICEFG™ and a representative will be in touch with you to discuss your needs and how we can work with you.

If your organization has an emergency situation and you are interested in our assistance immediately please call +1 (848) 444-2781.